Guide of Zed and Build Items | League of Legends Mobile!


Zed the master of shadows.
Zed Ability: Contempt For The Weak, Razor Shuriken, Living Shadow, Shadow Slash, Death Mark

Contempt for the weak: Zed's attacks against enemies below 50% health deal bunos magic damage equal to 7% of their maximum health. (10 second cooldown per unique enemy). 

Razon Shuriken: Zed and his shadows throw their shuriken, each dealing 80 physical damage (80 + 100% BUNOS attack) to the first enemy they hit and 48 physical damage (48 + 60% BUNOS attack)  to other enemies in their path. 

Living Shadow: Passive: Zed gains 35 Energy whenever an ability strikes the same enemy twice. Energy can only be gained once per cast ability. 

Active: Zed's shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for 4.5 seconds. Reactivating Living Shadow will cause Zed to swap positions with his shadow.

Shadow Slash: Zed and his shadows slash,  each dealing 70 physical damage (70 + 80% BUNOS attack) to nearby enemies and slowing them by 25% for 1.5 seconds. 

Each enemy champion hit by Zed's slash reduces Living Shadow's cooldown by 2 seconds.

Death Mark: Zed becomes untargetable and dashes to target enemy champion, marking them.  After 3.5 seconds, the mark triggers, dealing physical damage equal to 64 (100% attack)  plus 25% of all damage dealt to the target by Zed while the mark was active. 

The dash leaves a shadow behind for 6 seconds. Zed can reactivate Death Mark to switch positions with this shadow. 

Items Of Zed: Youmuu's Ghostblade, Duskblade of Darktharr, Ionian Protobelt, Black Cleaver, Mortal Reminder, Guardian Angel

Youmuu's Ghostblade: +50 Attack Damage +10% Cooldown Reduction, slice: +10 Armor Penetration.

Momentum: Moving builds momentum, granting a max of 50 move speed at 100 stacks. Attacks expend all momentum to deal bunos magic damage equal to the number stacks. Momentum decays while movement is impaired. 

Spectral Haste: Attacks that expend max momentum grant 25% attack speed for 4 seconds. 

Duskblade of Draktharr: +50 Attack Damage +10% Cooldown Reduction, Razor: +15 Armor Penetration. 

Nightstalker: Being unseen for 1 second causes your next attack against a champion to deal 20-125 bunos physical damage and slows them by 99% for 0.25 seconds. Buff lasts for 5 seconds and ranged attacks do not slow. 

Ionian Protobelt: Footwear: +40 Move Speed. Lucidity: +10 Cooldown Reduction. Summoned: Reduces spell cooldown by 10%.

Protobelt (Active): Dash forward and unleash a come of missiles that deal 75-145 magic damage. If champions or monster's are hit by more than one missile, the additional missiles deal only 10% damage. (60s Cooldown) 

Black Cleaver: +350 Max Health, +30 Attack Damage, +20% Cooldown Reduction. 

Sunder: Dealing physical damage to a champion reduces their armor by 4% for 6 seconds, stacking 6 times for 24% reduction. 

Rage: Dealing physical damage grants 20 move speed and kills grant 60 move speed for 2 seconds. Bunoses  do not stack. Ranged champions gain halved values. 

Mortal Reminder: +45 Attack Damage. last Whisper: +35% Armor Penetration. 

Executioner's Calling: Physical damage applies Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 5 seconds. 

Guardian Angel: +45 Attack Damage, +40 Armor. 

Resurrect: Upon taking lethal damage, restores 50% base health and 30% mana after 4 seconds of stasis. (180s Cooldown) 

Zed Runes: Electrocute, Brutal, Hunter-Titan, Hunter-Genius

ElectrocuteBurst Damage; 
Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities in 3s deals BUNOS adaptive damage. 
Damage: 30-184 + 40% bunos attack, +25% magic, cooldown 25s. 

BrutalAD/AP, Penetration; 
Gain 7 AD and 2% armor penetration, or 14 AP and 2% magic penetration. (Adaptive)

Hunter-TitanHealth, Tenacity; 
Gain 20 max health. Unique champion take downs grant 20 max health and 4% tenacity. 

Gain 2.5% cooldown reduction. Unique champion take downs grant 1.5% cooldown reduction. 

Zed Spell: Smite, Flash

Smite: Deal 440 true damage (440-1000) to a large or epic monster or minion. Smiting monsters restores 70 health (70 + 10%). Slaying 4 large monster upgrades Smite to Chilling Smite or Challenging Smite which can target enemy champions. 

Hunting License: Permanently earn 20% bunos experience from jungle monsters, but temporarily earn 20% less gold from minions. 

Tooth and Nail: Deal 10% more damage to jungle monsters. Monsters you damage burn for 30 magic damage and restore 30 health to you over 5 seconds. Gain one charge every 45 seconds.

Flash: Teleport a short distance forward or towards the aimed direction. 

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